8 Rugby Players You Should Be Following On Instagram!

Instagram for many of us is a source of motivation. You constantly see motivational quotes, people training, healthy meal preps and so on and so on. There does come a time when all of this becomes boring and your Instagram feed is full of the same old rubbish. If you’re a rugby fan you should […]

Rugby Physiques: The Top 10

Rugby players have near enough doubled in size over the last 30 years. The demand for bigger, faster and stronger players is evident in squad and academy choices. Rugby players as young as 15-16 are pushed into the gym to add size. Is this a problem? That’s a totally different article. Nevertheless, rugby players have impressive […]

Squats Vs Leg Press – The Final Showdown

A number of personal trainers, strength coaches and gym rats advocate the leg press over the squat for perfectly healthy athletes because of the risk-to-benefit ratio and increased performance.  After analyzing this, is the leg press really safer than the squat? Which has more transference to athletics, the leg press or the squat? We will […]

Why Are National Anthems sung Before A Rugby Match And Do They Effect The Game?

The importance of a national anthem. I’m sure everyone’s been in a situation in their life where they’ve had to stand for a national anthem of their respective country. If you’re French, Italian, Spanish or especially American I’m sure you passionately belt out the anthem of your nation at any given opportunity. As a Welshman […]

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