When and how did you get started in Rugby?
My brother who is 2 years older than me played for our local team Aberavon Quins so I started playing with him when I was 6 years old. Then it all went from there!
What keeps you motivated and how did you stay motivated when things weren’t going your way?
My family keeps me motivated, especially now I have young children. Having a game every weekend also keeps me motivated!
What’s your typical diet like in-season?
Breakfast: Porridge + poached egg on toast
Lunch: Chicken, sweet potato, and green beans/salad
Dinner: Steak & jacket potato + peas
Pre-bed: Yogurt & protein
Have you noticed any performance improvement when your diet was improved?
You definitely feel like you have more energy if you eat correctly and at the right times. Good nutrition helps recovery which is essential for a rugby player who trains and plays frequently.
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Supplements can help with muscle recovery and growth. Do you use any? If so, what and why?
Yeah, I do. I use PAS supplements. I mainly use the protein bars and drinks to aid recovery and maintain size. I also use the energy/carb drinks before games to ensure I’m fuelled for the game.
What’s your typical training week like at the gym? How do you fit in weights and keep enough in the tank to perform every weekend?
We usually do 2-3 weights sessions a week, sometimes 4 a week if you’re not involved in a match at the weekend.
Our strength and conditioning coach knows how to control the volume of the sessions and the recovery time needed to be ready for the match. It’s important to do the weights to maintain or increase your strength, size, and power.
Any exercises that you would recommend that have helped you on the field?
I enjoy the bench press, it’s good for the fend!
What’s your best moment in your rugby career?
Winning my first Grand Slam with Wales and being selected for the British & Irish Lions
Most challenging match you have played in?
Playing against Fiji in the 2007 World Cup!
Have you had any low points in your career? If so, how did you overcome it/them?
Yeah, plenty but you have to be strong, learn from them and be the best you can be for the following match.
What’s your pre-match routine? Do you have a system you keep to?
I always make sure I speak to my Grandparents, Parents, Wife & kids before every game!
If you could go back in time and give advice to your 18-year-old self, what would it be?
Enjoy every second and don’t take anything at all for granted.
Any final tips and/or advice?
The mind will give up 100 times before the body does.
James Hook Highlights
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